Deep learning logistics automation solution​
Deep learning logistics automation solution​
Deep learning logistics automation solution​
Deep learning logistics automation solution​
Deep learning object detection algorithms are used for precise object and XYZ coordinate recognition.
Deep learning logistics automation solution
Deep learning logistics automation solution
Deep learning logistics automation solution
Vision solution integrating optical engineering, AI model, 3D vision algorithm, and MLOps
Recognition of 6D position of unstructured objects (various shapes, unstructured layouts) to derive gripping point XYZ coordinates
Applications: Box/drum, piece/bin pick and place, etc.​
Deep learning robot solution
Deep learning robot solution
Deep learning robot solution
Robot solution integrating optical engineering, AI model, 3D vision algorithm, web app (linked to robot control software), and MLOps.
Robot system integrators (SI) or end-users can directly configure various logistics automation tasks through web app linked to robot control software
<strong>AiV</strong>'s deep learning smart bin picking utilizes one of the core deep learning technology object detection, to support more sophisticated recognition and propulsion of existing palletization/depalletization automation processes​
AiV's deep learning smart bin picking utilizes one of the core deep learning technology object detection, to support more sophisticated recognition and propulsion of existing palletization/depalletization automation processes​